More efficient decision-making with full transparency

Complete transparency means having everything in one place in order to be well-prepared for decision-making in any situation.  From the tracking of material group structures to consistent and automatic supplier assessments, 4EBIT-Suite solutions measurably relieve and improve your procurement. Our solutions are tailor-made for your needs. 

Using 4EBIT, your data is

Your benefits


Individual Business Intelligence solutions for procurement

The 4EBIT-Suite provides tailor-made, individual Business Intelligence solutions to relieve your purchasing department and increase efficiency. Through our profound expertise in procurement and Business Intelligence projects, we are able to build target-oriented dashboards which are user-friendly, easy to understand, and smoothly integrable into your processes. We understand the challenges in procurement and the daily routine of purchasers. This allows us to quickly turn your needs into analyses applications, providing immediate added-value.

Supplier Assessments

  • Central overview of all information regarding suppliers
  • Consolidate supplier volume
  • Discover supplier alternatives
  • Simple definition and tracking of supplier strategies
  • Quick preparation of supplier meetings

Assessment of framework contracts

  • Overview of all (open) framework contracts
  • Quick identification of room for maneuvering
  • No manual preparation necessary

Invoice matching

  • Alignment of ordered as well as billed services
  • Automatic identification of suspected case
  • Uncovering of potential as well as proof of trust
  • Automatic optimization of preparation for accounting
Our prices

Fitted to your needs


129 /month
  • 1 license
  • Quarterly data updates
  • 3 data sources
  • Free initial analysis
  • No set-up costs
  • 12-month contract duration


199 /month
  • 3 licenses
  • Monthly data updates
  • 3 data sources
  • Free initial analysis
  • No set-up costs
  • 12-month contract duration


329 /month
  • 5 licenses
  • Daily data updates
  • 3 data sources
  • Free initial analysis
  • No set-up costs
  • 12-month contract duration

You are interested in the use of 4EBIT software on top of your systems?
We will gladly give you more information in a joint discussion.

Here’s what our clients say

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Generate transparency in your processes. Get a demonstration of the functionality of the 4EBIT Software and convince yourself of its value-adding potential.